Nature-Inspired Occupational Therapy Services
& Nature Connection Programs

Chickens, Bees, and Apple Trees
This outdoor program promotes hands-on exploration and learning in our beautiful fields and forest surrounding the WTOT farmhouse.
Developed by an Occupational Therapist, Chickens, Bees, and Apple Trees is a non-academic, drop-off-outdoor program for all children. We have offerings for ages 3-8 on Mon, Tues, and Wed, as well as an expanded age level grouping up to age 10 on Wednesdays.
Each day from 9am-1pm, we invite your child to experience nature through play and practical experiences. By building their nature connection, children will work on skills that benefit their body and mind, including gross & fine motor skills, social and emotional skills, life skills, executive function skills, cooperation & teamwork, and neighborhood connection-
all while producing confidence, compassion and community.
Your child will have the opportunity to participate in activities including, but not limited to: simple woodworking; gardening- from seed to harvest to table; foraging, cider pressing; fiber crafts/handwork; farm animal friend visits; getting to know the "people in their neighborhood"
and open-ended play opportunities in the fresh outdoor air.
Spring 2025 Group Registrations Open!
Apple Trees Group: Wed 03/19/24 to 6/11/25
Ages 3-10
Bees Group: Tues and/or Thurs (choose one or both days)
03/18/25 to 06/12/25
Ages 3-8
- Please enroll in one group only
-Please specify group name on Registration Form
-Registration and Deposit Due by March 7, 2025, to hold your spot
Please Click "Registration" Button Below to Access Registration Form
One Day~$65/week
Two Days ~ $110/week
10% Sibling Discount Available off Total Cost
(seasonal sessions vary in duration ~ please contact us for total seasonal session cost)
Planning Ahead?
Summer Snapshot 2025 for Ages 3-10
Wednesdays July 16 through August 20
Fall Session 2025
September 9 through November 13
Winter Session 2025
December 2 through March 5 (with weeks of 12/22 and 12/29 OFF)

Spring Session Details
Chickens, Bees, & Apple Trees Nature Connection Program
Spring Session Registration is OPEN
Location: Willow Tree Farmhouse: 365 Main Road, Corinth, Me 04427
Apple Trees Group: Wed only for ages 3-10 (older children will split off at times)
Bees Group: Tu and/or Thurs for ages 3 to 8 (choose one or both days)
9am-1pm all sessions
Children must bring their own snacks/lunch.
Children must be toilet trained
Children will spend all of their time outdoors, with the exception of extreme weather, therefore multiple layers of weather-appropriate clothing and spare sets are essential for wet and muddy spring days!
Please register as spots are limited.
There is a $100 non-refundable deposit due upon registration to hold your child's spot. This will be applied to the overall cost of the session.
This is an enrichment program and not an academic based program or camp program
Ratio: 12 children and 5-6 staff/volunteers
Cost: $65/week for one day or $110/week for two days
10% Sibling Discount
